40 Degrees

The red of the thermometer is supposed to reach 40 today.  It's 25 degrees outside right now so I believe the weatherman.  We still have over a foot of snow on the ground.  I wonder how much will melt.  It's been a long time since Aiden stayed outside for longer than a five minutes.  He doesn't like the cold at all.

Personally, I like to be outside whenever the sun is shining.  I always find it humorous to watch people in the fall, the moment the temperature drops below 55 they bundle themselves up.  And then in the spring, the moment the temperature rises above 40 they forget their coats and some even begin to wear shorts and flip flops.  I guess temperature, like speed, is relative: compared to what we have had, single digit readings, a jump of 40 degrees is a heat wave!

So bring on the warm! I am so looking forward to 'poop patrol', a task that I haven't completed since 2014.   NOT!


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