
I have been having trouble sleeping, well, staying asleep, and last night was no exception.  My mind will not rest.  I believe it's due to my high emotional state during the 31 days where I lost my sister Barb (3/13/98), lost Haylee, 4/11/14, and my parents were in a car accident on 4/14/06 that changed their lives forever.  Why is my mind is choosing to go to the 'dark' side instead of the 'light' by remembering all of the birthdays in March including (but not limited to) my dad on the 3/21, my son-in-law Steve on 3/25 and my son Paul 4/3 who was born on Easter Sunday.

All day, I've been on edge.  I've been grouchy and full of complaints.  I do not like being like this.  I'm heading to the gym to sweat it out.  Sweat does that for me!


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