The Sky is Falling

 As I was driving home from work today on the Anthony Wayne Trail, trying to avoid as many potholes as I could, I heard a large boom!  I was frightened, thinking I had blown a tire, hit something, or perhaps even had been shot. (okay, maybe being shot was extreme but that's what I thought.)  My heart was racing as I looked out my windshield, noticing I was splattered with glass and the entire passenger side was shattered.  Apparently, something very large had fallen from the sky, or the overpass I was going under near the zoo.  The center of the impact was the size of a baseball.

I didn't know what to do, pull over, call the was heavy traffic, during rush hour.  I wasn't hurt, just shakened up.  So I slowed down my speed and decided to call 911 as a non emergency, to report the danger of the overpass. It was the old railway pass that is painted with animals.  The operator was very nice, kept me calm and took the information.  I ended up driving to the Scott Park Police station to file a report before I went home.  I used the insurance app on my phone which connected me straight to their glass only claims.  My deductible is higher than the cost of a new windshield and I will get a new one tomorrow morning. 

The 911 operator and the police officer who took the report, both said that they would inform the appropriate people to check out the overpass and help protect others from a similar incident. I plan on writing a letter to follow up to insure this happens.  My outcome of this situation was very good (no one hurt and I have insurance) compared to what could happen (injuries, driving off road and involving more cars) if this is not looked into.  So be careful out there.  Chicken Little could be right!


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