Need for Sweat

I had not worked out for four days!  When I go this long between sweating my stress takes over, and I just don't make the time nor care to get my heart pumping and take care of me.  I can make tons of excuses:  it's too cold; I'm too tired; it's too late; and of course, I'll go tomorrow.  But these are just excuses and they are quickly followed by self degrading thoughts like: I'm a slug.

How do I get myself in the right mind to take care of me?  I remind myself that I only get one body. Or if I don't take care of myself, who will? Or You look better in your clothes when you workout.  I also remind myself of the stress it relieves. The hardest part to working up a sweat is getting to the gym, or park, or starting the workout at home.  Or in today's case - I'm already at the YMCA to teach my class, so why not stay after to sweat!?


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