My Person

On my way to the YMCA tonight, I was thinking about 'my person'.  The person who I can tell anything to.  I thought about my sister Barb, she was my person when I moved backed to Toledo in 1989 during my divorce.  I felt alone when she died in 1998.  Next I thought about my mom, we were so much alike, always butting heads, but I could and did tell her everything, especially after Barb died.  My mom was not the same after the car accident in 2007.  When my mom died in 2008, Haylee was my person.

During the past couple of years, my other daughter, Justine and I became closer when she moved back home after college.  But now, she's married and raising her family in another state. Don't get me wrong, having your daughters be 'your person' is a good thing except, who do you go to when you want to 'vent' about them?  Your sons?  (I say jokingly!) I have three sisters, we've always been close, but we seem too busy for each other lately.

I am blessed with a lot of people in my life.  I'm sure everyone of them would gladly be my person.   It's just that someone has always 'naturally' fell into 'my person' spot.  Lately, since Haylee died, I feel alone.  I feel that some of my people avoid me.  Perhaps they don't know what to say.  Perhaps they are too busy.  Perhaps I am too busy for them.  I don't know what it is.  I only know that tonight, I was needing my person and I didn't know who that was.


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