I Like to Write

I like to write more than I like to talk.  (I know, those of you who know me know that it's hard to get me to keep quiet.)  I like to write because most of the time my brain is going faster than my mouth and when I talk, my words get mixed up.  When I write, I can reread and edit.  When I talk...I only get one chance.  So, I like to write.

I'm grateful that my mom forced me to take the typing course in high school.  I tried to fight her on it as I was going to college, not becoming an office worker like she was.  She was a wise woman as I used my keyboarding skills in college, earning extra money by typing term papers for others.  I continue to use my skills everyday.

In my nearly 20 years of teaching, I have found that writing is a lost art.  Students seem to not like writing.  Whether it is with pen and paper or on the computer.  I feel bad that they don't share the joy of writing that I have.  It truly is a stress reliever to me.  Before computers, I used to have a diary or a journal as I called it in my twenties.  I wrote in these small books daily.  Writing helps me process my day.  It helps me to understand who I am.

I also used to send thank-you cards all of the time.  I miss that old habit of mine.


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