Still Water

Water, whether it is steamy or frozen, is still water.  Or in the case of Lake Wawasee this weekend it is still water.  As I looked out onto the lake, it looked like water, but it didn't flow.  It was still...still frozen.  The interesting thing is that it no matter it's condition, water is calming.

As I sat on the deck, looking out onto the lake, I was reminded that I am not in charge.  I was reminded that all things happen for the good.  I was reminded to enjoy what is right in front of me.  Sometimes, circumstances in my life consume me and I need reminders to not let them. They are what they are, events that will help me to grow into the person I am met to be.  I cried and as warm tears streamed down my cheeks the weight on my heart became less.

I felt a peace come over me.  Water, whether frozen or in the form of tears, can cleanse me of myself.


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