
My struggle for a healthy weight seems to have hit a plateau.  I have not had significant weight loss in the past three weeks.  It is difficult to continue on when I do not see results.  So what to do?
  1.  Give up and accept my body for what it is: 5'4" and nearly 180 pounds.
  2.  Set a goal and stick to it:
    1. Be patient - I didn't gain 30-40 pounds in six months so it may take longer than that to get rid of it.
    2. Don't forget the stick to it part - no cheating!
  3.  Stick to the current plan and rationalize the situation when it doesn't work.
These choices are the thoughts that continuously go through my mind.  As you can see, they are not always productive.  I know that I have to go with number two and be patient but the first and third always seem to creep in.

I can do this!


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