214 Days

Dear Haylee,

I miss you.  Last night, I was walking Aiden in the neighborhood.  It was  dusk and I thought of you walking Lola in your neighborhood seven months ago.  It was a beautiful evening to walk with temperatures near 60 degrees just like in April.  Only the days are getting shorter now and they were getting longer then.

My walk with Aiden reminded me of how content you probably were on your walk with Lola.  You weren't talking on your phone and probably just enjoying the beautiful spring day with your dog.  I recently heard that the neighbors saw you walking Arlo earlier and that it was your second time around the block.  Way to get your exercise in!

It helps me to think that you were at peace when the car struck you and I am relieved that you never woke up to feel the pain that the trauma caused your body.  I believe you went straight to heaven where there is no suffering.  I keep this in the forefront of my mind to help me accept that you are happy where you are and more importantly, where you are supposed to be.

I love you,



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