Movie Day

I've been a little under the weather lately so after finishing my chores and computer consulting, I decided to curl up under a blanket and watch some movies.  First up was Julie & Julia.  I first saw this movie in the theatre and received it as a gift a few years ago.  I hadn't watched it since then.  It was nice to be reminded of a fellow blogger's questions:  Is there anybody out there? or You are reading this aren't you.  I feel as this blog is my job, it's therapy for me and could possible help others - right?

I really wanted to start watching Christmas movies but was vetoed by Derrick.  He said that I had to wait until Thanksgiving so I cheated some and watched Sleepless in Seattle with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks.  I love that movie...enough said.  Derrick made some popcorn and Carly joined us for the 3rd movie:  The Secret of Nimh.  We owned a VHS of that when my kids were little and I've seen it many times...unfortunately, I am beginning to fall asleep (due to the medicine I took) and will not make it to the end. 


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