Phase 2

I have decided to move to Phase 2 in my Mercy Weight Mgt. program.  This means I can choose healthy alternatives to their meal replacements.  The  largest reason for me to do this is cost.  Looking over my budget, I had to make a few adjustments to finish out the year.

It's all good though, I can still lose weight while in Phase 2.  You see, for the past 3 months, I could only eat the food in the plan.  These are pre packaged, portion controlled, choices.  This makes it very easy to stick to the plan.  It also cost me about $100 per week - but I don't have to buy much at the grocery except fruits and veggies.  But now, I will buy more lean meats and grains at the grocery, moving the greater cost to groceries instead HMR meal replacements.  But, I can share my meals with my family.  And that's what counts.


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