Ducks on the Lake

Hundreds of ducks on Lake Wawasee.  It is peaceful to watch them flock together.  They sometimes swim in a straight line that stretches across my entire view.  They follow each other to the another feeding area of the lake.  They follow their instincts.  They trust that whoever is leading them will not let them down.

Me time allows me to focus on my thoughts and my body.  I have to be in tune to with myself in order to feel my instincts.  I have to know how my body reacts to the things of this world.  I have to remind myself of my beliefs.  I need to know who I am in order to trust my instincts.

We have to have faith in others to survive in this world.   We want to believe that they want the best for us.  We hope that they are honest.  We need to work together.  Oh, please don't tell the ducks that the small group of ducks near the marsh are just decoys and the hunters are waiting for them.


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