My Howling Heart

Brrr it is cold out and the wind is howling.  They say it's going to reach single digits tonight. Brrrr

So as I sit curled up in a blanket laughing at the sitcoms of Monday night, my heart is still in disbelief that Haylee is gone.  Sometimes, I just cannot believe it.  It's seems like I just talked to her.  I wonder how she is in heaven.

With the holidays coming, I know I will have difficult moments.  I hope for moments that I can remember the good times I shared with Haylee.  I hope that I choose not to dwell on the times that she wasn't with us.  I hope I remember that she will always be in my heart and perhaps she's the one making it howl at all the fun she is having now that she is at peace.  I love you Haylee.  <Mom>


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