Craving Crunchy

Lately I have been craving crunchy things.  This is not always a good thing.  I could choose a crunchy carrot or a stalk of celery.  But I do not.  This week, Nut-Thins were on sale for $2 a box. They are not a bad choice for a snack - a couple of grams of protein, good flavor and great crunch all for 130 calories with a serving size of 16 crackers.  

But they are not 'in the box' of my Healthy Solutions program.  ('In the Box' means eating HMR food plus fruits and vegetables only!) I'm doing okay and enjoying happy hour once a week.  But I'm only losing about one pound per week.  And that's without staying 'in the box' seven days.  Just think, if I stayed 'in the box' more, I would lose more.  Something for me to keep in the forefront of my cravings.


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