A Club No One Should Join

I'm a member of a 'The Grieving Mother's Club'.  I'm not sure when they meet or if I got the name of it right.  I only wish that I didn't belong, but I do. I've always known of the club, my mom was a member, but I really didn't know what it was like.

I remember the day I knew I was going to join, I called another new member, my cousin Janet and told her that I was joining her club.  Somehow, saying those words were much easier than saying I was going to lose a child.  Even though Haylee was 30 years old, she's still my baby and I want to protect her.

A couple of days ago, classmates of mine lost their 29 year old daughter.  I know too well what they are going through and I know there is nothing I can do to ease their pain.  Thinking of them stirs up my grief allowing Clarence to visit more often.  So I will pray for peace to all grieving mothers (and fathers) and look to the heavens for our Angels.


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