
I couldn't remember the last time I baked something so last night I did.  I switched out zucchini with pumpkin and used pecans instead of walnuts to made a pumpkin bread.  I learned that I didn't have two loaf pans anymore so I made one and a dozen cupcakes or were they muffins?

What is the difference between cupcakes and muffins anyhow?  I think that I made muffins because they were made from a bread mix and not frosted.  I did use my cupcake pan with liners though as I'm too lazy to grease the inside of the cupcake pan, which doesn't always work out well for me.

So this morning, I'm enjoying a pumpkin muffin with my coffee.  I'd better head to the YMCA soon to burn off that bread!  Happy baking!


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