Still Feeling the Blues

I think I'm anticipating the pre-trial hearing in Haylee's hit and run case this week.  It's causing me anxiety.  I don't even plan to attend although some of my family will be there.  I just wish life was not as complicated as we make it.

There really isn't much I can do about the situation except to pray for the judge, the prosecutor,  the driver and her family and for my family; I pray that everyone is able to make good decisions and accept the decisions that are made.  I pray for the courage to listen to my family express their pain.  I pray for wisdom to keep my mouth shut.  I pray for hugging and communication as the day of April 9, 2014 is revisited.

I usually do not have much anxiety.  I have learned to trust God and His plan for us.  It's not always easy but it does always help.  It helps to know that I am not in charge.  It helps to know that God always loves us no matter what.  It helps to know that my faith has never let me down.


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