True Friends

My friends know that I will always say what's on my mind.  That's not always a good thing as I should think before I speak.  That's a ongoing struggle for me.  I'm glad that my friends still choose me as a friend even though I can be brutal - brutally honest that is. 

I've started to read The Book of Awakening.  It's a daily devotional type of book.  This morning's reading, page 347, was about honest friends.  It reminds me that to have a friend, I have to be a friend.  I really really liked this line: "Having an honest a form of wealth that will buy you nothing but will give you everything." (paraphrased of course.)

Even though I can feel lonely at times, I know that I can pick up the phone, send an email or even write a letter to anyone of the friends that I have made over the past 50 years and they will still understand and accept me for me.  Thank you for being my friend!


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