Comfort Foods

As the weather gets cooler, I crave more.  I crave meatloaf and baked potatoes...which reminds me of my sister Barb because it was one of her favorite meals.  I crave oatmeal cookies without raisins and warm tea.

I cannot remember the last time I had either of those things.  I have baked potatoes at least twice a week.  Well, microwaved potatoes  - is that the same thing?  I've had oatmeal for breakfast and had protein snacks that had a crunch of oatmeal, but not a plain, freshly baked oatmeal cookie.  I have been drinking alot more tea lately.

I'm teaching my granddaughter, Carly, the wonder of holding the warm cup and inhaling the aroma.  Or how adding just a spoonful of honey helps to sweeten it a bit.  Tonight we are having a caramel chia.

My mother taught me to love tea.  She taught me how to appreciate many things: the changing leaves of the fall,  the colors of the harvest, the crunching of the dried leaves on the sidewalk as we walk through the neighborhood.  I miss my mom when it gets cooler.  Perhaps that is the reason I crave more.


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