Happy Hour

I need a happy hour!  I cannot remember never being at  a place of employment where as, on Friday, everyone went out to the local PUB.

The truth is...I have not had a happy hour since Haylee's tragic accident.   Boo hoo....right?

So I happen to leave work a little earlier than usual.  I call my friend Linda...who happens to live an hour away to say that I would like to meet.  She's using her phone so I go to her voicemail.  By the time she gets back to me, I've passed her house.  So I continue to the lake.  I contact Justine and Steve and they aren't interested so  I go it alone and head into Louie's on Wawasee.   Enjoyed an Octoberfest and met some people from Toledo.    Happy Hour did not disappoint!  Life is good!


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