Another 40 Days

Today begins another set of forty days.  I have completed seven of them so far:  Giving up things; without facebook, withough Haylee, or adding things; more prayer, eating healthy and exercising... I must say, I've really only successfully completed the first set - 40 days without facebook.

All of my other challenges are ongoing.  They are ways I can cope with the things going on in my life.  I am grateful for the ability to write my thoughts out.  It is good to go back and read what I was thinking about days ago and what I think about the situation now.  To see how much I have grown.

These next forty days, I will continue to focus my prayer life.  At times, I find myself worrying about my family and I pray that they find the courage to face the challenges of their day and that they continue to grow into the person God intends them to be.  I love you Derrick, Justine and Paul.


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