Straw Bale House of St. Francis

This is the back of the house.
Today I took a road trip to Tiffin with my sister Holly and my granddaughter Carly, to visit my Aunt Dorothy.  Aunt Dorothy is one of my mom's three sisters.  She is aka Sr. Carolette, a Tiffin Franciscan.   We had a very nice visit.

It was a gorgeous autumn day.  We were outside most of the time, riding around the large campus/farm in a golf cart.  (Carly really liked that part!)  We went into the Earth Center to see some animals and then toured a house made of straw!  What makes this house truly unique is, it is the first certified passive structure in Ohio and the first certified passive straw bale house in the United States.  

Straw Bale House of St. Francis


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