Finally Friday! AKA 49 Days!

Dear's been 49 days since you've gone.  I miss your phone calls.  I logged on to write this blog, that has become more therapeutic for me, than useful to readers like you with a purpose when I realized a simple truth of life: ...I'm so glad that God gave us many distractions in our lives so that we don't realize how bad they are.

I was thinking about my day and how it started out (with someone wishing me a crappy day at work) versus how it finished.  I was pretty happy about that part (Life is Good!). Then I remembered my friend, battling cancer.  I thought to myself:  My life is easy compared to that.  After beginning my day with someone wishing me a 'crappy day at work' (not a fan, but those were the words spoken),  and ending the day with friends... who love me and reinforced  my being.  Thanks to my neighbors The Browns.  

But really, it is so hard to stay true to yourself in a world full of anger, fear, and hate.  I have faced all three today and wonder how I am still standing.  I can only wish for peace and good to everyone I know and everyone I meet.


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