Six Weeks

It has been six weeks since the longest day in my life and 40 days since we left your body at the hospital.  Forty days is a traditional period of mourning.  (I wish that meant it was over!)

Dear Haylee,  I miss you.  You were making so many changes in your life.  It was a struggle for you, but you wanted to do it...without any help.  And you wanted to do it out of sheer will.  What gives me peace is that I know that God was with you all the way, and He said enough!  Enough of your struggles, no more anxiety, loneliness, kidney stones, and all of the rest.  He said you are strong, beautiful, and ready to go to heaven.  That's what I think about when I miss you.  That you are happier and that someday, those you left behind will all be happier too.

Today was a tough day for me...for alot of reasons.  The least of which was going to the dentist for two fillings.  So...if a visit to the dentist is the least worry of my must have been rough.  So, I took time out to watch 'Brave' with Carly.    I love the ending...

Princess Merida: There are those who say fate is something beyond our command. That destiny is not our own, but I know better. Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it.


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