
I am having trouble staying focused these days.  When I'm at work, I jump from task to task...never quite finishing the big ones. (Don't tell my boss.)  When I work out at the YMCA, I move from one cardio machine to another...never really staying on one for more than 10 minutes.  Or I end up running 1 lap instead of 3 when I'm outside. (Don't tell my trainer.)  I've got a real problem.

I know what I need to do with my workout.  I need to go to my favorite park, Pearson, and get on the 3 mile trail.  This will give me less options to have a lesser workout.  As far as work goes, I am getting alot of little things finished...so perhaps I need to break down the big tasks into little ones.  My lunch time is nearly over and I've written this while an online calculator, computes how much time I've wasted on, since joining facebook.  I thought that would be relevant to this as I started this blog month's ago when I found time while fasting facebook.   The result of the calculator is:


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