Decisions Decisions

Everyday, each and everyone of us make decisions.  Statistics say we make over 500 of them each day.  Some we make involuntarily, like breathing and some are made voluntarily, like choosing to eat chocolate.  Some decisions are really easy to make like choosing chocolate ice-cream and others are not so easy like choosing what to say to someone who has hurt you or that you are disappointed in or angry with.

I find that many of my hard decisions of late are whether to say something or to keep my mouth shut.  My family, friends, and I are going through a tragic situation.  It may be months before some of us get through it.  In the meantime, I like to remember things like:  What good will come of this?  or What would Jesus do?  or What would I do if I were you?  or Who will be affected by my decision?

When I do just a little bit of thinking before I make a decision, I can feel more confident that I did the right thing.  I make mistakes all day eating that chocolate. But for the big decisions, know that I am doing the best I can, with the information I have.


  1. Patience and Peace to you Mary, you are doing a wonderful job of being a loving, thoughtful, and compassionate human being...Thank God the angels are walking with you everyday...praying for you, your family, and Haylee everyday :)


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