
I am thirsty. Water symbolizes new life, cleansing, and the fulfillment of God's promises. That means heaven to me.

I've been thinking about heaven alot.  I really really hope it's for real.  I read Heaven is for Real last year.  It reinforced my belief of heaven.  With the tragic death of my daughter Haylee, I NEED to believe.

So what does that mean...believing in heaven?  I think that it means believing in earth, in man, in land, and in water.  The earth is covered in water.  So water MUST be good!

It turns out, the earth is over 70% water!  That means that nearly three quarters of where we live is water.  Ummm....people...did you hear that?  We are small.  Water is BIG!  And so, I am at the lake ... again...at Wawasee.  I find peace here, at the edge of the water.

Twenty five years ago, I lived on the ocean in Virginia Beach.  I found peace, even within my individual turmoil, I found peace.  When I moved to Toledo, I drove to Maumee Bay, weekly, to find peace, in the water of Lake Erie.  Water is good.  Drink of it everyday!  And you too, will find heaven.


  1. Dear Mary, Water is indeed healing and is our baptism into eternal life.. When it rains think of it as Haylee bringing you new life from heaven. The amount of rain we have had in the past month surely most mean she is showering you with love. Continued prayers and love to you.


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