Tossing and Turning

I was hoping for a repeat of the great sleep I had Saturday but instead, I found myself checking the clock nearly every 70 minutes or so.  I had so many strange dreams.  They were filled with real people from my life that I have not seen in ages.  There were people from grade school and the neighborhood I grew up in.  There were people from college and even more people that I work with.  The weird part is they were all part of the same dream.

Now I know that dreaming means that I got some good sleep but I feel like I fought a war.  I wish I knew if it was something I ate.  I know I had dinner around six and went to bed a little after nine.  I did start a new novel, reading 50 pages before turning off the lights.  Perhaps I'm worried about something, but I can't put my finger on anything specific.  (I did start my taxes today - turns out the feds will be receiving a check from me equal to one week of work). 

All that I know is that I really hoped for a two hour delay this morning...but it's only -1 and the wind is still.  Time to hit the shower and get on with my day.   Thank God for coffee!


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