
I'm not sure that I hold grudges.  I do know that some people irritate me.  They are the people that made my life, or the life of someone I love more difficult.  I know that I try to avoid running in to these people at all costs.  But sometimes, I can't.

It is those times that I realize that people make mistakes.  It is usually because they are sick either physically, or mentally, or in their soul.  What they do or what they did is not because of me, it is because of their sickness.   Trying to avoid them may prevent me from experiencing something great.  I have to remind myself that they may have grown since I last saw them.  As I have grown, having gone through the difficult situation that they created.

I know that it is hard work to grow into the person the God wants me to be.  Thank you to all of the people who God used to help me to grow.  I will try not to go out of my way to avoid you.  As that would be me, changing the course of my life, when I know that God is in charge.


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