Friday the 13th

It only happens two or three times each year and today is the first of this year.  My daughter Haylee was born on a Friday, the 13th of January. It is no wonder that I think of her everytime that happens.  I think of the day that she was born.  We lived in Pensacola, as her dad was in the Navy.  She was born by c-section and the Navy doctor who delivered her, only worked on Fridays.

I remember trying not to be superstitious.  In those days, I checked into the hospital the night before to be ready for an early morning surgery.  My room number was 413.  I tried not to pay attention that my blood pressure was 113 over 63.  I remember telling the nurse that if they took me into OR (operating room) 13, I was not having this baby.  The nurse assured me that that wouldn't happen as they only had 8 ORs.

I remember how beautiful Haylee was the day she was born.  Her head perfectly shaped and her skin pink and rosy.  When I held her, I forgot all about the superstitions of Friday the 13th.


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