What Are We Becoming?

A better question would be, who am I becoming?  I have been doing a little people watching lately and it seems that hardly anyone lifts there head up from their devices to see what is around them.  It's kind of scary.  I think of the movie Wall-e.  I saw it in the theatre and everyone thought is was great and I was scared to death.

We are all becoming blobs, or sheep or weebles (wobble but they don't fall down).  Are we lemmings?  Do we need our devices to tell us where to go? Do we need a news anchor to interpret the content of a speech?  Do we need books and movies to tell us how to love?

It's scary, this world we live in.  How do we stay true to ourselves and grow into the person we were meant to be with all of these outside forces telling us to do otherwise?


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