Year Two, Day One

Yesterday I took the time to remove the facebook app from my phone, my ipod touch, and my xoom tablet.  I also prevented the tab on my browsers from opening up to my page.  I am fasting facebook for forty days.

Believe me, this is a sacrifice.  Reading facebook status' is the newspaper to my morning coffee.  I learn new things and catch up on all of the things my friends are doing.  I do not usually post things from my mobile devices aside from 'checking in', a task that I did a lot less this year than last after I my first facebook fast in 2014.

Most of my facebook posts are generated from my twitter feed.  I have been texting a thought for the day to twitter since I first my first tweet over five years ago.  I also randomly post this blog to twitter.  I connected twitter to facebook way back then, as I hardly ever had the time to actually go to the site but, as a career technology person, I had to embrace these new 'social' networks to gain expertise in them.  Little did I know then, how much time I would spend on facebook, that I would consider it a sacrifice not to go there. 

So I will pray for all of my friends and family when I have the urge to check their status'.  I will have to give you a phone call or stop by your house to see what you're up to.  Or you can give me a phone call or stop by my house to catch up too. Otherwise, I may not show up to your next event!


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