Poop Talk

Every Sunday was poop talk.  At least that's what Haylee thought. She wanted to talk about her bodily functions everyday...I gave her Sunday.  We'd lay on my bed, Haylee, Justine and I, and listen to Haylee's bathroom adventures. She loved to share her poop stories.

Don't worry, I'm not going to share any of her stories with you. Nor am I going to share any of mine with you.  I am going to tell you that I'm pooped.  The exhausted kind of pooped.  I spent all day doing yard work...actually backyard work.  I know, it's the middle of June and most of you have had all of your yard work finished weeks ago.

I started this working in my yard at least three times before, never quite getting it all done.  Well, I can say that mine is finally finished and it looks good!


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