Longest Day

Today is the summer solstice - sun standing still - longest day of the year.  What will I do with all this daylight?  I started my day by sleeping in past 8 a.m.!  I hardly ever do that as I'm usually up with the sun.  My neighbors starting working on tearing down their old gargage around 9 so I went for a walk with Aiden.

We had an extra long walk as I ran into  a former colleague from CCHS, Lori.  She was kind enough to let me talk - walk therapy is one of the best activities!  It was a looking to be a gorgeous day, 70 degrees and sunny!  So when we got back I did a little yard work and then hung out by the pool.

It's after six now and I'm hoping to join friends down by the river to enjoy the rest of it.  It has been a beautiful day!


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