
As I was driving west to Lake Wawasee this evening, I was reminded of some different times in my life.   I usually don't begin my trip after 5pm but today I had a hair appointment right after school.  I always think of Haylee during hair appointments as she is the reason I have been going to the same hairdresser for the past nine years.  Another memory took be back thirty three years, when I worked at Toledo Trust during the week and drove to Angola every weekend.  The sun was in my eyes the entire drive.  It also reminded me of the Monday morning drive heading east, back to work, with the sun rising before my eyes.

I have fond memories of Angola.  It's where I attended college, met the father of my four kids, and made some life long friends when a group of us started the Omega Kappa Sorority.  It's also the first and only time since then, that I lived on a lake.  I remember taking the row boat out to the middle of Crooked lake to study for exams!  I love heading to lake and I surely hope some day I get to live on one again.  But for now, I'll just visit!


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