Team Haylee #2

Last year we started a tradition, Team Haylee: a team that walks/runs to help support our Toledo Zoo and to remember Haylee.  This year the funds raised will go to purchase an owl for the zoo so we chose this quote to be on the back of our T-shirts: 
A friend is like an owl, both beautiful and wise.
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost whose spirit never dies.

The back of the youth shirts stated:  Owl always love you!

Over 50 people ordered and shirts and I saw at least 30 of you at the zoo!  Thank you so much for helping to raise money for the zoo and to remember Haylee!  I heard that someone named Haylee, came up to one of you to ask what are shirts meant.  She said that she loved frogs too and liked to run!  It is times like these, when God reminds us that Haylee is happy in heaven and we are doing a good work.   Next year, we have got to get a photo of all of us together! 


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