Spring Rain

My mother taught me or shared with me her love for sitting on the porch during a rain storm.  I cannot think of anything more calming and comforting than to sit on a porch during the rain.

As a child, I remember sitting on the glider that was as large a a couch, with as many of my brothers and sisters that could fit along side my mom and weather permitting, a blanket.  We would talk and play games and enjoy this special time of doing nothing but watching it rain.

I in turn, repeated this behavior with my children, on Elgin street.  We had a porch swing.  That swing, along with the rain, provided me with a sense of peace as we shared our day or shared stories of the past.  Sometimes, the littler kids sat with me as the older ones got to play in the rain.  It's curious to watch a child's response to thunder or lightening.  Each is unique...sometimes frightening and sometimes creatively adventurous.

Today, my granddaughter Carly said of the thunder, " Haylee sure is trying to roll that spare grandma!"  I nodded and smiled, feeling the peace of my mother and my daughter Haylee.


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