What's This About Fasting?

It's a lifestyle.
After months of research and feeling awful, I have finally decided to commit to a new way of life.   I had to make sure that I believed in it and would be able to do it.  What is it?  Intermittent Fasting.  I have chosen to feed myself only during an eight hour period.  The same eight hour period every day.  During the other sixteen hours of the day, I may have water, coffee, or tea.

I tested the times out for about three days to make sure I could stick to the range.  I am a morning person and breakfast is my most favorite meal.  The problem is that I wake up before 6 am and usually eat right away.  If I ate breakfast at 6 am, that would mean my 8 hour feed time would end at 2 pm!  That would leave 8 more hours of awake time that I could not eat and that would be difficult for anyone.

I read some articles about breakfast, how important it is and some articles on how it really isn't that important. I decided that if I moved my breakfast (Break - Fast) time up to 10 am, my feed time would end at 6 pm.  I figured that was more realistic for me.  So that's what I chose - my 8 hours are from 10am-6pm and the 16 hour fast is from 6pm - 10am.

I am using the 'Cruise Control' method as a guide for the next 28 days.  That means, I'm pretty much eating a specific menu as explained in The Cruise Control diet book I read about in my Prevention magazine.  My goals are:  1.  To feel better     2.  To have less pain        3.  Lose weight

I can do this!


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