Learning to Support

My kids are my heart.

I love my kids. I will do most anything for them.  I want them to be happy.  I want them to be independent. All of my life, I've been a matter of fact kind of person.  I'm quick to judge. I don't sugar coat things and I have a hard time giving emotional support.  I hug people alot because it helps to keep me from talking. I don't listen as well as I could. I've been working on these personal flaws.

Personal growth is hard work.  I know this.  I can't make it easier for myself nor can I make it easier for my kids.  The struggle of growth is real.  It's tough to keep going through the tough times but it's worth it.  I know, I've been through many a tough time.  When I get through it, I'm stronger for my struggles.

Letting my children go through their struggles will help them grow.  I just need to be supportive to their choices.  I need to listen more, talk and judge them less. This is hard for me.  It's my tough time.  It's my chance for personal growth.  Parents always love their children, no matter what.


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