Bread & Sweets

Cookie Day 2017
I love this time of year, with all the baked goods and candy. I like cookies so much that there have been years where I chose not to have any adult beverages during the holidays because I was using all my 'extra' calories on the wide variety of candy, breads, and cookies!

So here it is, halfway through December and I'm finding it hard to resist the extras opportunities for food and fellowship.  This is not a good thing while on the Nutrisystem plan. I promised myself I wouldn't waste my money by NOT following the plan.

So what am I to do? So far, I haven't lost any more weight since Thanksgiving.  (I keep gaining and losing the same few pounds.)  So, I'm maintaining my weight.  I need to decide to just 'flex' (go off plan) until after the holidays OR stick to the plan.

I don't want to gain back the 14 pounds I've lost since the end of September.  The struggle is real!


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