The Number on the Scale

Friend or Foe?
I've been frustrated, no, disappointed with the progress I've not made in my weight loss journey in the past couple of weeks.  I can't believe the numbers went up.  So I rationalized and weighed myself the next morning.  Guess what, the scale was two pounds less!  Today I got on the scale again and it read 192.0!  I feel so much better!

Now I know, I should NOT be a slave to the scale.  I know that I should stick to the weigh once a week plan.  I also know that I need to look at a four week progress, certainly not a daily progress.  But, I get sucked into the numbers game and it seems like the little scale in the bathroom beckons me to use it!  It's mental.

Our brains are a powerful tool that we use to help or hinder ourselves with.  I have to get mine to get on board to HELP me!   I can do this!


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