Holiday Bloat

It's Monday morning, and I have had five days of overindulging on good food, drinks, and sweets.  If you're anything like me, you forgot to increase walking and water, and most of all extra fiber.  Now you are suffering from a grand case of holiday bloat.  I had forgotten what I learned a few years ago; to eat plenty of vegetables early in the day when I knew I was going to indulge in extra meals, drinks, and of course those cookies that are only available at Christmastime.

So what will I do today to relieve this bloat?  For sure, I will drink more water and walk more.  Perhaps I'll drink tea - that usually soothes my stomach.  I'm considering only protein shakes for one day before I go to the "I can only eat it if God made it" regiment:  of mostly fruits, vegetables and eggs.  I must skip the sweets, the breads, and the adult matter how tempting.  I've had more that my fill.

Soon it will be January 1st and I like many of you, I too will proclaim to do better this year.  To take care of the one body I have been given; to eat right and go to the gym more; to reach and maintain a weight that is appropriate for my body.  Here's to getting a jump start on those goals and rid myself of holiday bloat.


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