Double Nickles

When I was younger, I couldn't wait to be 55 - the speed limit.  I thought it would be fun.  But then they raised the limit to 60 and in some places, even 70.  I bet it will be fun to reach those ages too.

Each birthday, I try to reflect on the past year to see how I've grown and changed.  This year, I look back to see that my waist has grown and I've become  less optimistic and more grouchy.  What has happened to me?

I don't know if it's the world today, full of terrorists, or our culture of  what seems to be 'no rules', or  our politicians doing what seems to be nothing while I work hard to be poor.  Perhaps I'm in the depression stage of mourning the loss of Haylee.   Maybe it's the chronic pain of my foot or my broken tooth.  What I do know is that I seem to have a bad case of the poor me's.

Here it is my birthday and I'm not feeling too happy.  So I write to help process those feelings and get them moving out of my mind.  My boss, just came down to my room to wish me a happy birthday and gave me a hug.  Hugging does help - thanks Deb!  It's time for me to get on with my day.  I'm looking forward to seeing all of my friends later tonight.  Happy birthday to me.


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