Not So Good Grief

Last night I accompanied Paul to his work Christmas Party that was held at the Hilton Garden Inn where Haylee worked.  We had lots of fun and the food was good.  I even saw a couple of former students from Central Catholic and one from my first teaching job at St. Joan of Arc.  He remember my name as soon as I walked up to him! That made me feel really good!

But then, as I laid in bed waiting to fall asleep, Clarence (grief) wanted to pay a visit.  He hasn't been in the forefront lately so he really hit me hard.  I have not sobbed or perhaps wept like that in a very long time.   I wasn't too happy about that last night.  But this morning, I feel better.

Holidays and memories are what bring joy to us and it's true, those that bring the greatest joy, bring the greatest sorrow.  So many people are missing family members for as many different reasons.  I'm certain they are like me, putting up a strong front, trying to enjoy the moments of today while we weep inside for those we miss.

I pray that we all try to remember to be present today with our family and friends so that we can soak up all the joy that is around.


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