A Twist on Fate

"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh."

Ever since my dad remarried, I have to remind myself of the teachings in the bible...over and over again ... although I change the words to " ... a man will leave his children and be united to his wife..."

I know that my dad NEVER ever intentionally wants to hurt me or my siblings.  I know that if he ever reads this he will be sad.  I also know that I miss my dad.  I do not like sharing the holidays with another family.  I feel like a child of divorce.   And that's why I'm having these 'childish' feelings of abandonment.

Don't get me wrong, I am so happy for my dad to find love again after my mom died.  I wouldn't want it any other way.  It's just that I struggle with sharing him on his birthday - because he wanted to share his birthday with his wife's.  Or sharing him on father's day, because they went over to her children's homes on that day.  The list goes on, and I know this is the way it is.  He's happy and that's more important than me pouting over the loss of him.  I miss my mom and my dad.  Sometimes I feel like an orphan.


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