Why Am I Getting Fat? or Why I am Getting Fat

Last week, my health insurance provider did a health screen at work.  I weighed in at 10 pounds more than I did three years ago.  When I went to my doctor on Friday, it was confirmed that my weight has crept up to 194 pounds.  What am I doing to myself?

It's not like I didn't know it was happening.  I had to purchase size 14 pants over four years ago.  Those fit nicely when I weigh in the 180's. (They're really snug at 194!)  Just like the size 12's fit when I weigh 165-170 and the size 10 fit when I'm at my ideal weight of 150-155.  What am I going to do?  I know how to keep myself healthy.

I could start eating more fruits and vegetables and less bread and crackers.  I could eat six times a day instead of the two and half times I seem to be doing.  I could exercise for more than the 30-45 minutes.  I'm sure if I just bumped up the number of workouts to 5 a week instead of 3, I would lose some weight.  I could walk my dog in addition to my workout instead of calling it my workout.

Last week I saw my friend Jeff at the YMCA. He was in the WITW challenge in 2007 with me.  He's stepping up his health plan.  Wouldn't it be great if we met our goals in 2016?  It's up to me.  I can do this.  I am worth it.

Let's do this!  Forty pounds in twenty weeks is so doable!  Remember how good thin feels on your aching feet!  --- It looks pretty good too!


  1. Funny..I just made this same commitment to myself. .I now weigh 196...exactly the same kind of progression u describe. Let's do it together! I need a buddy for sure.


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