Road Trip

Yesterday afternoon, after nearly a day of rain, I decided to take a short trip to the lake - giving Derrick a 24 hour break from all his roommates; time for himself and his studies.  Usually, I don't go to the lake unless I get to stay a couple of days as itt is a two and a half hour car trip.  But the weather looked promising, so Carly, Aiden, and I packed a bag and took off.

We arrived in time for dinner and since it was cold and windy there, we stayed inside and watched a movie together.  This morning, the weather did not disappoint.  It was sunny and reached the low 70's.  Carly was able to get a little kayaking in and I was able to get a short walk in the neighborhood with Aiden, and a short track workout at the middle school.  I was also able to visit with a childhood friend who was also at the lake. 

Life was good today!


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