Do You Know Where You Live?

I am SOOOO lucky!  I know the city in which I live and I am not afraid to drive anywhere.  I grew up east of the river and my grandmother lived across town.  We would visit here every Sunday.  I had friends in high school who lived in the suburbs.

I moved away from Toledo in 1978 to attend college and didn't move back until late 1989.  It was during those years that I was forced to learn where I was going in the cities that I lived. 

I remember my siblings commenting on the fact that I drove for 20 minutes just to shop at a particular store. They didn't understand that in most of the cities I lived, everything was 20 minutes away. I thought it was 'normal' to do so. 

When my four kids got older and started playing sports, their cyo events took me all over the diocese.  I taxied or followed them to their events from 1990-2006, all the way through college.  It's a good thing I like to drive and that I can remember where I live!


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