Facebook Reminders

This picture of me, taken 8 years ago, came up in my facebook newsfeed. I like how I looked then I am confident that I can get there again.  My hair will be a different color, but my body will be the same.

I completed day two yesterday.  I ended up pedaling a little at the YMCA and found that I was extra hungry when I got home.  I had already eaten all that I was supposed to on the Turbo Takeoff plan, but had learned years ago to eat when I'm hungry.  So I chose to make a vanilla shake with a banana, tsp. steel cut oats, and cinnamon.  According to the NUMI app, I was still under 1200 calories.

1200 calories is not very much for me.  I usually try to stay around 1500.   As a teen, my mother always said to me "Mary, if you want to weigh 120 pounds you have to eat 1200 calories."  I want to weigh 150 pounds, so once I reach that goal, I will maintain it with 1500 calories.  For now though, I'd better focus on the task at hand, 1200 calories, as I head towards my goal!


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