What is FIT?

There are many meanings to the fit.  Merriam Websters simple definition of fit is:  proper or acceptable: morally or socially correct; suitable for a specified purpose; and physically healthy and strong.  But for me, today I think of the word fits in this context:  Why do my clothes not fit? --- which could fit into the first definition of proper or acceptable as my clothes are not acceptable on my body.

I know that the reason my shoes do not fit is that I have placed an orthotic inside which leaves much less room for my feet.  I also know that my pants don't fit because I recently have packed on twenty extra pounds.  That is also the reason that my shirts are tighter than usual.

I'm writing these thoughts down as a way to become more aware of what I have been taking care of myself...specifically the lack of care I have been having for myself.  Today my scale read 200.4 lbs.  What will it say in 40 days?


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